Artist / Educator
Alex Jaehyun Kim
#판타지아 #빛 #경계 #공존 #대화 #존재론
Artist’ note
In my working process, I focus on the aesthetic and cognitive interactions of humans that occur within the artistic practice. I studied FAV(Film/Animation/Video) in Rhode Island School of Design and Media Arts in Yonsei Graduate School of Communication and Arts. As I have experienced various forms of artwork including, animations, drawings, site-specific installations, interactive social projects,
and by developing different kinds of educational curriculums, I have begun to perceive the realm of education as the artistic participatory performance. In this aspect, I explore the process of imagination and its physical and mental activities of drawing by considering them as both aesthetic and educational elements in human development and learning experience. For me, the most intriguing "media" is a human, and I value one's cognitive actions of communicating with others and living in the world. These cognitive phenomena of a human distinct from any digital process that defines "media art" in general view. Although I perceive various medium(moving image, video, installation, drawing, book, performance) as media arts, I prefer analog ways of interactions and working process.